Who might need urethral stent?
Men who suffer from recurrent strictures of the urethra may be offered a(n) urethral stent. It is usually left in place for 3-6 months and can then be safely removed, when the stricture has “stabilised”.
How is the operation performed?
You will usually be given a light general anaesthetic, though on occasions a spinal anaesthetic will be preferred. Your anesthetist will discuss which one is best for you prior to the procedure.
A cystoscopy (telescopic inspection of the urethra and bladder) is performed. The stricture is identified, assessed and then carefully divided under direct vision (optical urethrotomy) utilizing a special type of endoscopic knife.
The stent is then carefully positioned to bridge the area of the stricture. Once a satisfactory position has been attained the stent is “activated” to hold it in positioned.
What should I expect after going home?
For a few days after your procedure, it is normal to experience any of the following:
A mild burning when you pass your urine.
A need to pass urine more frequently, and occasionally more urgently than you usually do.
Some blood in the urine.
All usually settle quite rapidly without the need for any treatment.
What can I do to help?
Drink plenty of water.
Take Ural or Citravescent in a glass of water 4 times a day.
Take 2 Panadol every 4 hours.
Take any antibiotics you have been prescribed.
Avoid constipation.
Are there any possible side effects?
Most procedures are straightforward; however as with any surgical procedure there is a chance of side effects or complications.
Relatively Common
A burning sensation when passing urine.
Blood in the urine for a short period afterwards.
Infection requiring antibiotics.
Insertion of an indwelling catheter if you are unable to pass urine immediately after the procedure. With a stent in place, it is sometimes necessary to insert a suprapubic catheter if you are unable to pass urine, as it can be difficult to pass a urethral catheter.
Delayed bleeding requiring removal of clots or further surgery.
Inability to open the stricture, and the need for a temporary suprapubic catheter.
Dislodgement of the stent.
Encrustation of the stent – this happens weeks or months after insertion and usually requires removal.
Very rarely, some people find a stent painful, and it needs to be removed.